Sunday, September 15, 2013

DOG DISCUSION: What breeds of dogs have you owned?

in your life?

I was thinking about this whilst driving in rain this morning .. It would be interesting to know how many types of breeds you have owned.

I can honestly say I have owned and experienced,  even for a short period of time the following breeds

Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Mastiff,  AmStaff,  Pitbull, Great Dane, Boxer, Bull Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, German Shepherd, Japanese Spitz, Pekinese, Neopolitan Mastiff, English Mastiff, Rottweiller, Bulldog,  Aussie Bulldog, Greyhound, Wolfhound, Cattle dog, lots of mixed breed dogs.

I am sure there are a few I’ve missed.   I will add as I remember them.   When I was 15 years old,  I remember very clearly saying that I will NEVER have kids but own 100 dogs… well it almost came true… I had kids very late and I have already exceeded my 100 quota

I recall my very first dog was a Japanese Spitz… not really what you would say the type I liek these days.

What are your breed experience?  If so what breeds are your preference and why?

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