Friday, September 13, 2013

Breeds of dogs

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell has been breeding a new strain in early 1800 in the UK by the Buddhist Chan Jack Russell dog, which later was called the Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) by name. Chan Buddhism, you also have a Jack Russell Terrier to the religious and Chan called. I have sometimes is that people often call PARSON JACK RUSSELL.

Generally, dog breeds TERRIER group will be used to hunt and track prey after the rest. The dogs in group HOUND round before this.

Strains of the Jack Russell Terrier in the U.S. and the UK. The size of the dog is 10-15 inches, but the Australian Jack Russell Terrier will be divided into two strains of Jack Russell in size 10-12 inches PARSON JACK RUSSELL size 12-14 inches of hair style with a Jack Russell Terrier. 3 different types of hair short hair long hair less and less hair and fur can be quite rough when compared with short hair. But short hair is soft and should not be into it too. Since these feathers help protect dogs when out hunting.

Hair feathers should be white, since 51% or more over the body and are brown or black MARKINGS. Or both brown and black, called TRI COLOURED MARKING of dogs, most will find that on the face around the eyes, ears, tail and slightly to the bottom of the fuselage.

Characteristics in choosing Jack Russell Terrier was supposed to have skull growth. Must be a V-shaped ears and fall forward. Nose and lips must be black. Eyes should be dark brown image almonds Inherent with playful eyes and skeptical Legs must be straight and thigh muscles. Have short tails and pointed up.

Who want to avoid Jack Russell Terrier should have the following features.

1. Jack Russell Terrier dog is awake all the time. It should be fully exercise. Degongnegdegongnegn but should be in supervision and training should be from the owners or practice.
2. Jack Russell Terrier is a dog in need of care and time from the owner of a very Because dogs like to be social and playful.
3. Farmer Jack Russell Terrier farming system should be correct. Such as a fence around the edges to close because they can jump very high. As well as climbing. Even dig holes to escape to see if they are bored or want to find something exciting to do.
4. To secure the dog’s Farmer Jack Russell Terrier should use leashes at all times to take a walk because the Jack Russell Terrier is a dog that is very fast and very flexible.

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