Monday, September 16, 2013

Spot the Pit Bull

Spot the Pit Bull

If you guessed dog #16 then you are correct! This is the ONLY American Pit Bull Terrier pictured below. Want to learn more about the remaining 24 breeds? Scroll down to check out their info…

As you can see, there are at least 25 different breeds of dogs that are often identified to be Pit Bull. So what’s the deal with BSL then? That’s right, Breed Specific Legislation (or as I like to call it the Bull Shit Law) – if people can’t even properly identy the difference between these breeds, why all of the hysteria about Pit Bull attacks? Pit Bull is not even really a breed, so how can we possibly ban a particular breed of dog when it does not truly exist?

To get down to the nitty gritty, “Pit Bull” isn’t actually a breed at all, sure the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier are identified as breeds, but the term “Pit Bull” isn’t actually a classification, instead it’s a broad term used for dogs in the Molosser family, a type of large, solidly-built dog comprising several breeds, probably all descended from the same root stock.

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