Friday, September 13, 2013

Dachshund | Bringing Home Puppy

Westminster 2012!

Watching Westminster is just something we DO in our house.  Something about seeing all the neat, cute, gorgeous dog breeds and hearing about their origins and quirks is always totally entertaining.  Even our DOG is riveted!

Toy Manchester Terriers never seem to do incredibly well in these competitions, and has only ever one one Toy Group (let alone Best in Show!) and that was in 1969!  Discrimination, I say!   Best in Show 2012 was set to be quite stiff competition.   Wire Haired Dachshund, Pekingese, Dalmation, German Shepherd, Irish Setter, Doberman Pinscher and the Kerry Blue.  Of course, I was rooting for the Doberman.

Ugh. The Pekingese.  115 Best in Shows awards to that breed.  And sooooo lame!  Seems like an easy choice for the judges.  Won’t rock the boat.  LAME!  Am I wrong?!  Are they not the most useless dogs out there?  Maybe I’m wrong – I’d love to hear from a Peek owner who can tell me otherwise.  But why do all the over-groomed dogs win!  Why?!  WHY!?!?!

February 25, 2011, 8:31 pm
Filed under: Dogs, Pets | Tags: , ,

Had another playdate last week with Tim’s buddy, Cymbal.

They. Had. A. Blast.

They got so tired they began to play while laying down.  Cuteness!

C’est L’Halloween! Hey!
November 2, 2010, 12:00 pm
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Bonjour mes amis!  Well it finally came and went, my favourite holiday: Halloween.  Like Christmas, its always sad when you have to take down the decorations and pack up the costumes for another year.  But its not *quite* over yet, as I haven’t posted any pictures of the festivities!!!

Here is Tim in his aquatic outfit: A Great White Shark!

Here’s a shot of Tim posing in front of some historic gravestones at Victoria Memorial Park.  Spooky!

And  a pic of his best buddy, Cymbal, looking quite dapper in his morning jacket and top hat:

Party Time Sleepover Time!
October 18, 2010, 11:36 am
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This weekend we had a houseguest.  Timmy’s best bud Cymbal came to stay the night with us for the very first time.  Boy, was that ever exciting!

I anticipated some insanity, and I was not disappointed.  These dogs ran a giant loop through my apartment for hours.  And when they weren’t doing that, they were wrestling.  And when they weren’t doing that, they were on epic walks on Queen West, and when they weren’t doing that, they ran in the park.  All in all, it was completely nuts.  I think we were all grateful when it was finally time for bed.  They were up by 9:30 am, and did it all again the next day!

Since they were playing too much for me to get a pic of them in action, I was only able to get a few pics of them passed out in exhaustion:

Two by Two
August 10, 2010, 11:24 am
Filed under: Dogs | Tags: , ,

Cymbal’s mom is spending the day at the Rogers Cup, so you know what that means: Party Time Puppies are back again!!!

This time, rather than struggling with a leash in each hand, I got smart, and used a dual leash thingy.  Boy, these two get a lot of attention!!!

Metric is like, so boring!
August 5, 2010, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Dog Show | Tags: , , , ,

…not really!  The Metric show at Union Station in Toronto yesterday was pretty great actually, lots of good tunes, and a big crowd.  You wouldn’t know it to see Cymbal though..the poor guy slept through 1/2 of it!  Not even the noise or the thousands of people could keep this guy awake!

Brothers From Another Mother
August 4, 2010, 4:16 pm
Filed under: Dogs, Pets | Tags: ,

I know I’ve told you about Tim’s friend Cymbal before, but just recently I had the opportunity to look after both of these crazies, at the same time.  Insanity you ask?  Most certainly.  These two get lots of attention when they are out together, mostly because they look very much like each other, just different body types.  Of course, they are not at ALL related, Tim being a Toy Manchester Terrier, and Cymbal being a Dachshund.

Timmy and Cymbal spend approximately 6 HOURS running around my tiny apartment.  These are the only photos I could get.   Tim slept for 12 full hours after Cymbal left!

Beach Day!
July 22, 2010, 2:02 pm
Filed under: Dogs, Pets | Tags: , , ,

Today Tim Tam had the chance to head to the beach FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME with his BFF Cymbal, a black and tan dachshund .  It was a gorgeous day for a bit of sun and fun at the Cherry Beach off leash dog park.  Cymbal was quite comfortable with the water almost from the start, and before we knew it, he was in and swimming around.   Timmy?  Well…not so sure!  We eventually convinced him to come closer through the use of praise and TREATS!  Once he figured out the waves weren’t dangerous, he was in and having a BLAST!!!

It was pretty cute!  We got lots of attention for having 2 very different dogs with identical colouring.  Big thanks to Cymbal’s mom for taking us on such a fantastic adventure!

Finally…a Coat!
November 14, 2009, 5:47 pm
Filed under: Dogs | Tags: , , , , , ,

Well it took me long enough, but I finally found Tim a winter coat.  See, the trouble is that he is so long and skinny, nothing would fit!  Regular dog stuff didnt cover the last 1/2 of his back, and Dachshund clothing was too tight in the chest!  We loved the coats by Elanor, they are made from recycled fabric and were very cute, but we just couldn’t find the right fit.  Finally, someone facing the same dilemma at the dog park put me onto a brand called Chilly Dogs.  This is a Canadian company who also feature clothing made for long and lean dogs like Whippets, Salukis and Italian Greyhounds.  I was able to head down to my local Timmy Doggie Outfitters and get him one that day.  What is great is that the whole coat is fleece lined, waterproof, reflective, and completely adjustable.  It keeps his chest, neck, head, back and bum nice and cosy.  The price?  Well.  Embarrassing, to say the least.  But poor Timmy just couldn’t deal anymore with this chilly weather!

Timmy the warm doggie!

And this picture is proof that little Tim just loves his new coat!

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